Lack of resources and resource abundance – these two terms could stand as a metaphor for two different states of our mind and emotional state. But what do they mean exactly, and how can we make the transition from a resource-poor to a resource-rich state?
Lacking resources:
A low-resource state is characterized by feelings of exhaustion, frustration, and lack. It’s as if our inner “tank” is empty, we constantly feel drained, and we feel like we lack the necessary “tools” or resources to overcome our challenges or achieve our goals.
A low-resource state can also come across as less obvious and show itself, for example, through a “shorter fuse”, less patience, less empathy, more frequent conflicts where one feels personally attacked / rejected or the feeling that one is the victim of other people (feeling taken advantage of) or also through envy, jealousy, etc.
Resourceful / Resource Fullness:
This contrasts with the state of resource abundance, which is characterized by a sense of abundance, strength and optimism. It is as if our inner “tank” is full and we feel that we have the necessary resources to overcome our challenges and achieve our goals.
It allows us to easily recognize in everyday life and various situations when something said has something to do with us or with the other person. It enables us to put ourselves in the other person’s shoes, to want to understand them, to feel compassion and to deal calmly with many situations.
What leads to resource poverty?
Many factors can lead to a state of resource poverty. Constant stress, lack of self-care, negative beliefs, disregard for our own needs, “relationship games” in terms of e.g. sacrifice, and so on. A central aspect is often the feeling that the demands of life exceed our abilities and resources or that we give so much and not enough comes back / it is not seen / appreciated.
The path to resource abundance
Fortunately, a low-resource state does not have to be permanent.
With deliberate steps, we can move into a state of resource abundance.
- Self-care: Start by taking care of yourself.
- Take time for yourself: In peace and quiet without “noise” and “influence” / “well-intentioned advice from outside” (e.g. from friends and acquaintances) – Preferably in a place that gives you energy and where you can be alone with your own thoughts for a while. If you don’t face yourself, you might as well turn up the music loud to drown out your own inner voice and needs.
- Positioning: Who or what is robbing me of energy and why? Who or what gives me energy? And how intensely does someone or something rob or give me energy? The best way is as a list and then rate it with a scale from three minus to three plus.
- Self-awareness:
Who am I actually and what do I actually want from my life?
What values do I have and where do I live against my values?
Just because I’m good at something doesn’t mean it’s what’s good for me. - What roles do I have in my life where I behave differently?
Where am I not myself? - Self-acceptance and self-responsibility: “I am good the way I am and everything I don’t want for my life, it’s my responsibility to change that or get rid of it”.
- Time for activities that bring you joy and recharge your energy. It could be exercise, meditation, reading a good book, spending time in nature, or it could be something else entirely – you’ll figure it out through the positioning process.
- Setting boundaries: What is not good for me and what do I no longer want in my life? Write down your limits and be aware of them. Learn to say no. It’s important to recognize and respect your own boundaries. You can’t be everything to everyone and that’s perfectly fine.
- Mindset Change: Review and change your beliefs. Negative beliefs can keep us stuck in a state of resource poverty. With techniques like mindfulness, meditation, or professional help, you can begin to challenge and change these beliefs. “Is this really true, what I believe here right now?”
- Get support: seek support from family, friends, or professional counselors. However, be sure to seek support where it gives you energy. A strong network of supporters can help you become more resourceful.
- Practice gratitude: The practice of gratitude can help shift the focus from what is missing to what is present. By writing down daily things you are grateful for, you can focus your mind on the abundance in your life. Without gratitude, we just run from one “have more” to the next and only ever feel a brief moment of satisfaction at the fulfillment of the need.
- Reduce consumption: Consumption is a proxy. This does not mean that we have to do without them altogether – just consume them more consciously. Movies we can watch represent what we want in our lives. Action, harmony, adventure, travel the world?
Music, alcohol,
Living in resource abundance means living a fuller, happier and more productive life. It’s about knowing who you are and paying attention to your own needs and nourishing your own inner source of strength. So, start filling up your tank again.